Despite my knowing that the Movieman212121 (Ben Quimby) would strongly disagree with me, I have to say that I have never liked Westerns, Kung Fu movies, or most mindless shooter movies. There are a few exceptions to all of those, but for the most part that is an extremely true statement. I quake in my boots knowing that the Movieman disagrees with me, and that he may well rip my eyeballs out and feed them to his Moviedog, but that's the truth. I can't get behind the idea of mindless violence, even if it looks really really cool, because I always end up looking for the flaws in the movie rather than reveling in the badassitude of the main character. Because that IS what the movie always revolves around in those kinds of movies. But really I can't get away from the fact that Shoot Em Up has Clive Owen in it, and after watching Children of Men I don't think I could hate any movie with him playing the main character. So, there's the exception. So to end, here's a picture of Clive Owen.

What do you mean mindless violence? there's plenty of mind-full violence in westerns and kung fu movies. What flaws are you talking about when you say "I always end up looking for the flaws in the movie "?
I pray for your safety Jacky boy. Disagreeing with the Movieman's taste isn't a good thing. But what about all those Steven Segal movies that you seemed to adore so much? In my opinion, there is nothing wrong with a movie that is just mindless violence and sex, but i never consider it a "good movie". The concepts of entertainment and good are not directly related. Also, the tagline "I'm a British nanny and i'm dangerous" is greta.
I agree with you on some levels that sometimes these types of movies you describe aren't all that amazing. However, when you want to sit down for 19 minutes and just be entertained there is no better option. A prime example of this is the film Urban Justice, I am 100% positive that you saw Urban Justice, and that it was the best movie you've ever seen.
I agree with you that a whole movie with mindless violence is bad. There has to be some kind of plot and meaning to the movie that goes with the violence. Also, Steven Segal is then worst actor ever. I feel bad for you if you like his movies. All he does is walk around in a leather cost and kill people. That’s all he does. You can’t tell me that that’s not mindless violence.
I would have to agree with you on that i don't like Kung Fu movies either. I have started to watch more westerns after we watched Stagecoach and i am growing to like them. I would have to disagree with you on the "mindless violence" movies because for some reason those movies conect with me and i enjoy them; it just must be the kind of person i am. Also mindless violence can sometimes make a movie good also.
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